Chemical Engineering Volume 3: Coulson and Richardson’s

indicated alongside the reactor. Figure I .6c showsa continuousstirred-tank reactor
in which the entering cold feed immediately mixes with a large volume of hot  
products and rapid reaction occurs. The combustion chamber of a liquid fuelled  
rocket motor is a reactor of this type, the productsbeinghot gaseswhich are ejected    
at high speed. Figure 1.6dshows another type of combustion process in which a
laminar flame of conical
shape is stabilised at the orificeof a simplegas burner.In
this case the feedback of combustion heat occurs
by transfer
upstream in a direction
opposite to the flow of the cold reaction mixture.    
Another feature 
has to be
of the autothermal system is that, although ultimately
an external source of heat is required to start it up. The reaction  
by raising some of the reactants to a temperaturesufficiently high  
for the reaction to commence. Moreover,a stableoperatingstatemay be obtainable    
only over a limited range of operating conditions.This question of stability is  
discussed further in connectionwith autothermal operation of a continuous stirred
tank reactor (Section1.8.4).    


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  1. Index Terms Links Manipulated variable 560 563 Manometer I 452 Manual control 565 override interrupt 696 Marangoni effect II I MARLAR, J. T. 388 389 MART\303\215NEZ, M. 690 Mass flow measurement 445 flowmeter, direct 446 indirect 445 spectrometer 515 double focusing 515 single focusing 515 transfer II I across a plane boundary I and reaction parameters 200 steps 230 235 bedsof particles II coefficients 228 VI overall 207 213 crystallisation II distillation II drops II in a column I absorption, mechanism II fluidised beds II gas\342\200\223liquidlaboratory reactors 225 packed column II porouscatalysts 111 wetted-wall columns II This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easiernavigation.
  2. Index Terms Links Measurementerror (Cont.) density (specific gravity) 484 flow 438 level I 478 mass flow 445 open channel flow I 448 pressure I 452 temperature 466 thermal radiation 475 difficult applications 478 vacuum 465 viscosity 489 Mechanical design VI Mechanism of reaction 18 Medium vacuum 465 Membrane filtration II VI fouling II Membranes II bacterial cell 265 cytoplasmic 264 MENTEN, M. L. 282 285 MERRITI, L. L. 515 Mesophiles 351 Metabolicpathways, control 327 Metabolism 298 roles 298 type of reaction 298 Metcalf and Eddy Inc. 351 Methylstyrene, hydrogenation of \316\261-2 37 240 METZNER, A. B . 124 This page has been reformattedby Knovel to provide easier navigation.
  3. Index Terms Links MILLER, S. A. 2 19 37 39 MILLICHAMP,D.A . 658 MILLIS, N. F. 272 273 348 Mimic display 707 MIMO (multiple-input/multiple-output) control 570 systems,interaction and decoupling 653 Minimum fluidising velocity II Mist rcmoval from gases II Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 711 Mixer\342\200\223settler II liquid\342\200\223liquid extraction I Mixers IV I in-line IV I scale-up I static IV I Mixing II equipment IV I gases VI in long pipelines 97 reactors 71 length I pastes IV I solids II VI Model reference adaptive control (MRAC) 690 Model-basedcontrol 694 Modelling of flow in reactors 78 gas\342\200\223solidreactors 181 Models with combinations of basicflow elements 104 MOHTADI, C. 692 Moisture content of liquids and solids, measurement 522 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easiernavigation.
  4. Index Terms Links Multiplexer, time division (Cont.) random addressing 547 sequential addressing 547 MUNRO, N. 722 Murphree efficiency II MURRILL, P. W . 574 633 636 637 Mutagenesis 316 Mutation 316 Mycelia 267 N NAD (Nicotinamide adeninedinucleotide) 304 NADP (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosohate) 304 NAGATANI, M. 348 Narrow band radiation thermometer 476 Narrow-band-pass filter 499 Nash Hytor pump I Natural convection I draught cooling towers I NAUMAN, E. B. 80 92 102 NEIDHARDT, F. C. 270 Nephelometric turbidimeter (nephelometer) 502 Nernst Equation 507 Net positivesuction head I radiation method I NEUBERT,H.K.P. 455 536 Newtonian fluids I NG,K.M. 233 NICHOLS,N. B . 632 634 This page has been reformattedby Knovel to provide easier navigation.
  5. Index Terms Links Non-linear objective (Cont.) processes, describing function technique 664 linearisation using Taylor's series 582 661 Non-Newtonian behaviour I Non-return valves VI Norton circuit, equivalent 546 NORTON, H. N. 465 485 499 Norton's theorem 546 Notch I 448 Nozzles II I Nucleases 320 Nucleate boiling I Nucleation II Nucleic acid content, micro-organisms 273 acids 278 structure 416 Number of transfer units (NTU) II I Nusselt number, particles I NYQUIST, H. 618 Nyquist stability criterion 618 625 670 683 O O\342\200\231REILLY, J. J . 547 Obligate aerobes 405 Oddperiodicfunction 664 Offset 566 610 calculation for load change with PI control 610 proportional control 609 from closed loop transfer function 609 Thispage has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
  6. Index Terms Links Orifice flowmeters I 440 ORP (redox potential) sensors 509 \342\210\205STERGAARD, K. 134 Ostwald\342\200\223de Waele law I Ostwald U-tube capillary viscometer 489 Output, reactor comparisons 65 66 Outstation 698 Overall yield in reactors 59 Overdampedresponse 599 Overheads VI Overshoot 633 Over-specified system 575 Overview 707 Oxidation catalysts 110 Oxidation\342\200\223reduction (redox) potential (ORP) sensors 509 Oxygenanalyser, paramagnetic 522 524 zirconia 510 masstransfer coefficient 407 uptake rate 406 P Packedbedreactors 151 VI dispersion in 165 166 bubble column reactors 197 column design II reactors 196 197 205 example 206 columns II absorption II This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easiernavigation.
  7. Index Terms Links Particles (Cont.) motion in a fluid II terminal falling velocity II Particulate fluidisation II solids, angle of friction II Pathways, anabolic 300 biosynthetic 300 catabolic 299 PEARL, R. 344 346 PEARSON, L. 229 PEARSON, R. G. 18 22 24 PEDERSEN,E. 230 PEEBLES, J. R . 723 724 PELOSSOF, A. A. 237 Penetration theory II I Percentage humidity I relative humidity I Perforated plate columns II VI Permittivity 481 PETERS, J. C. 569 724 PETERSEN, E. E. 124 128 161 pH measurement 505 508 of common materials 506 sensing electrode 507 glass 507 508 Phase equilibrium data VI margin 620 630 631 632 shift 601 642 Phases of growth 343 PHILLIPS, R. S. 632 Thispage has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
  8. Index Terms Links Pitot tube (Cont.) averaging 439 PLACHE, K. O. 447 Plait point II Plant cells 269 layout VI Plasmid pBR322 323 Plasmids 321 426 Plastic viscosity I Plate and fin heat exchangers I towers for gas absorption II VI Plug flow fermenter 382 in reactors 34 Pneumatic controllers 715 conveying I dyers II signal transmission 550 transmitter 551 Poiseuille flow II I 115 Poiseuille's law I 489 Poisoningof catalysts see also Catalyst poisoning 139 Polar plot (Nyquist diagram) 625 system stability 628 unit circle 630 681 Polarographicsensor 510 Polesof transfer function 579 POLING, B. E. 205 POLLARD, W.G . 114 Polling 695 Pollution control catalysts 108 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easiernavigation.
  9. Index Terms Links PRESENT, R. D. 114 Pressure, absolute I 452 differential I 452 drop in pipes I tubular reactors 35 37 41 effect on reactoryield 60 energy I gauge 452 measurement I 452 elastic elements 454 electric transducers 454 relief VI sensor,bellowselement 453 454 Bourdon tube 453 454 capacitive 454 classification 452 cold cathode ionisation 465 diaphragm element 453 454 455 hot cathode ionisation 465 wire (thermal conductivity) 465 transducers, inductive 455 linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) 456 piezoelectric 460 potentiometric 460 reluctive 457 resistance strain gauge 458 strain gauge 458 vibrating element 462 vessel design VI Thispage has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
  10. Index Terms Links PRoductformation (Cont.) inhibition 347 removal from reactors 29 PRoductivity, cell 370 PRogrammable logic controller (PLC) 700 709 Programmable logic controller, design 709 Input/output channels 710 programming 711 Programmed adaptive control 690 Progressive conversion reaction mode 181 Prokaryotes 260 Prokaryotic cells, distinguishing features 261 life cycles of 263 size 261 organisms 262 Propeller mixers IV I Proportional action 564 generation using operational amplifier 713 band 567 717 control 564 566 pneumatic generation of narrow\342\200\223band action 715 wide-band action 716 plus derivative (PD) action, generation using operational amplifier 715 pneumatic generation 718 control 565 569 integral (PI) action, generation using operational amplifier 714 pneumatic generation 717 control 565 568 This page has been reformattedby Knovel to provide easier navigation.
  11. Index Terms Links Protozoa 269 PRYCE, C. 112 Pseudo first order reactions 17 Pseudocode 712 Pseudoplasticliquids, mixing I Psychrometric ratio I Psychrophiles 351 Pulse code modulation (PCM) 548 redundancy 548 forcing function 596 input to reactor 72 transfer function 675 Pulsed column II Pulsing flow 233 Pumping of fluids I Pumps IV I selection IV I Pyrometer, chopped 477 narrow band 476 optical 477 total radiation 475 Q Quantisation error 540 interval 540 QUINN T. J. 468 R Radial dispersion II 82 flow reactors 158 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easiernavigation.
  12. Index Terms Links RATLEDGE, C. 299 RAVEN, F. H. 641 644 676 RAY,W.H. 142 rDNA 320 Reaction and mass transfer parameters 200 path in cooled reactors 162 rate 16 time for batch reactors 27 vesselsin series 96 Reactions, gas\342\200\223solid 108 in parallel 56 58 two reactants 61 series 56 63 pseudofirst order 17 Reactor design, general principles 1 VI tubular 36 design\342\200\224general principles (Chapter 1) 1 examples 11 29 33 37 45 48 62 further reading 68 graphical methods 47 nomenclature 68 references 68 Reactors, adiabatic 6 Reactors, agitated tank 197 Autothermal 8 10 49 backmix 4 backmixing in 57 batch 3 27 61 rate equations 23 Thispage has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
  13. Index Terms Links Reactors, agitated tank (Cont.) types of 3 volume of 27 with heat transfer 7 yield with multiple reactions 55 Real time clock 694 696 computer control 694 Reciprocating pumps I Recirculation, internal, in reactors 71 Recombinant DNA technology 320 Rectangular notch I 448 Recursive parameter estimator 691 Recycle of reactant 15 58 60 61 65 Redox potential sensors 509 REED, C. E. 119 597 REED, L. J. 344 346 Referenceelectrode 507 508 References, biochemical reaction engineering(Chapter 5) 431 flow characteristics of reactors\342\200\224 flow modelling (Chapter 2) 105 gas\342\200\223liquidand gas\342\200\223liquid\342\200\223solid reactors (Chapter 4) 248 gas\342\200\223solidreactions and reactors (Chapter 3) 190 processcontrol (Chapter 7) 729 reactor design\342\200\224general principles (Chapter 1) 68 sensors for measurement and control (Chapter 6) 553 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easiernavigation.
  14. Index Terms Links Respiration 255 Respiratory chain 310 Response of control loop components to forcing functions 594 more complex systems to forcing functions 605 open loop 594 time 566 (settling time) 633 Restriction endonuclease 320 Reversiblereaction rate equation 20 reactions 20 Reynoldsanalogy I number II I for particles and packed beds II Rheogram I Rheology I Rheopexy or negative thixotropy I Ribonucleic acids (RNA) 278 RICE,R. G. 219 RICHARDSON, J. F. 490 RIESENFELD, F. C. 208 Rings, packing II VI RIVETT, B, M.P. 531 RNA 278 structure 417 ROBERTS, D. 227 ROELS,J.A. 391 400 401 402 Rootes blower I rotary compressor I ROSE, A. 585 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easiernavigation.
  15. Index Terms Links Sampledisposal(Cont.) block diagram 675 stability 681 Nyquist criterion 683 Routh\342\200\223Hurwitz criterion 681 Sampler switch 673 Sampling of multiphase systems 527 probe 523 process 523 single phase systems 523 Samson plc 721 SANO, K. 331 332 SATO, K. 402 SATTERFIELD, C. N . 110 111 237 Saturated volume I SAUNDERS, H. 452 SAVAGE, D. W. 208 Scalereadability, instrument 535 Scale-up of stirred vessels IV I Scheduled(programmed) adaptive control 689 SCHELGEL, H. G. 262 264 270 278 Schlumberger Electronics (U, K.) Ltd. 487 Schmidt number I and mass transfer at catalyst surface 144 SCHUTT, H. C. 37 SCOTT, D. S. 114 Scraped surfaceheat exchangers I Screening (sieving) II VI Screens II VI Screw conveyors II pump, viscous material I This page has been reformattedby Knovel to provide easier navigation.
  16. Index Terms Links Sensor, moisture content (Cont.) solids, types of 522 on-line humidity (hygrometer) 519 ORP (redox) 509 polarographic 510 specific ion (pIon) 509 thermal radiation 473 Sensors for measurement and control (Chapter 6) 437 examples 469 518 530 532 543 545 further reading 552 nomenclature 555 references 553 static characteristics 528 thermoelectric 468 Separation,energy requirement II of boundary layer II I processes II centrifuges II VI crystallization II VI cyclones II VI drying II VI evaporation II VI filters (gas) II VI (liquid) II VI gas\342\200\223liquid II VI gas\342\200\223solids II VI liquid\342\200\223solids II VI selection of II VI solids-solids II VI This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easiernavigation.
  17. Index Terms Links SHODA, M. 348 Shot noise 537 Shrinking core reaction mode 181 182 SHU,P. 353 SI system of units I SI units, conversion factors II I 750 VI Sieve tray reactors 196 197 trays, design II VI Sieves II VI Signal conditioning 535 transmission (telemetry) 546 Signals and noise 537 SIH,C.J. 286 SWARD, R. E. 349 350 Simple float systems 479 SINCLAIR,C.G. 349 351 SINFELT, J. H . 137 SINGH,J. 719 SINGH, M. G . 722 Single particle models of reactors 182 port valve 723 Sinusoidal forcing function 595 response of first order system 600 second order system 602 input to reactor 73 SITTIG, M. 209 Sizeanalysis II reduction II of solids VI Skin friction II I This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easiernavigation.
  18. Index Terms Links Sorption, equilibrium (Cont.) equipment II fixed bed II fluidised bed II moving bed II isobars II isosteres II isotherms II gas\342\200\223solid II liquid\342\200\223solid II processes, equipment for II singlepellets II Space time in flow reactors 40 velocity in flow reactors 39 Span, instrument 529 SPECCHIA, V. 234 Specific gravity see Density growth rate 342 ion (pIon) sensor 509 requirement for maintenance 341 resistance of filter cake II surface II Spectrophotometer 498 Spectroradiometric analyser 498 Spectrum, absorption 498 emission 498 Spherical model for porous catalyst 118 119 121 Spray column reactors 196 197 drying II VI flow 233 towers II This page has been reformattedby Knovel to provide easier navigation.
  19. Index Terms Links Stefan\342\200\223Boltzmann law I 475 Stefan's law of diffusion I radiation I Stepforcing function 594 response of first order system 597 second order system 598 input to reactor 72 STEPHANOPOULOS,G. 574 579 651 652 686 STEVENS, W.F. 583 Stirred cell laboratory reactors 227 tank, model of real systems 104 modelsof reactors 78 reactors 43 residence time 43 tracer flow 78 STOCKWELL, P. 522 527 Stoichiometric coefficients 16 Stoichiometry of microbial growth 337 STOKES, D. 464 Stokes' law II 491 Stokes' law for bubbles II STOOR, P. G. J. 450 Storage VI Strain gauge transducer 458 improvement methods 315 Streamline boundary layer I flow I Streamlines I This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easiernavigation.
  20. Index Terms Links T TACUCHI, H. 402 TAIRD, C. K . 518 524 TAKAHASHI, T. 618 TAMARU, K 147 Tank reactors 43 Tanks in series model 103 TATTERSON, G. B . 205 208 238 Taylor\342\200\223Aris dispersion 82 TAYLOR, G. 1. 82 95 Taylor's series 582 561 TCHOBANOGLOUS, G. 351 Temperature distribution in reactors 7 effect on reactionrate 17 reactor yield 60 65 measurement 466 profile in reactors 36 rise in batch reactors 32 scale 467 Tensilestrength VI Terminal falling velocity, particle II TETER, P. O. 723 724 THALLER, L. 144 Thermal boundary layer I characteristics, packed catalytic reactors 172 conductivities, common gases 518 conductivity detector, processchromatograph 513 gas composition analyser 516 hot wire pressure sensor 465 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easiernavigation.
  21. Index Terms Links THIELE, E. W. 116 Thiele modulus II 118 121 361 generalised 122 modified for non-isothermal catalytic reaction 127 relationship to effectiveness factor 121 Thiophene, hydro-desulphurisation in trickle bed reactors 246 THODOS,G. 144 THOMAS, W. J. 137 138 139 149 THORNTON, J. M. 125 126 127 180 Three phase fluidised bed reactors 239 example 240 beds 232 reactors 229 232 Threshold, instrument 535 Timeconstant 581 apparent 636 of reaction for batch reactors 27 31 isothermal operation 28 non-isothermal operation 31 Time-dependentbehaviour I TINKLER, J. D. 124 Toluenechlorination, example 213 TOPIWALA, H. H . 351 TOPS\342\210\205E,H. 230 TOPS\342\210\205E,N.-Y . 230 Torr 465 TORRANCE, K. 504 505 510 Tortuosity II 112 calculation of 113 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easiernavigation.
  22. Index Terms Links Transduction (Cont.) open loop 609 poles 579 proportional controller 593 plus derivative (PD) controller 594 integral (PI) controller 594 plus derivative (PID)controller 594 pulse 675 second order system 589 591 stripping column 586 thermocouplejunction 580 581 with sheath 588 U-tubemanometer 589 zeros 579 line reactors 187 units II IV I relation to HETP II Transformation 319 Transforms, Laplace I 576 726 Transient operation of chemical reactors 26 Transition flow rcgion 114 Translation 425 theorem 593 Transmittance 498 502 Transport of gases IV I liquids IV I solids II VI Tray reactors 196 197 Triangular notch I 448 Tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle 311 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easiernavigation.
  23. Index Terms Links Turbulent boundary layer (Cont.) axial dispersion 82 values of dispersion coefficients 97 Turndown 724 instrument 529 JRNER,J.C.R. 36 Turnover number 279 Twisted pairs 703 Twoposition control 564 reactants, reactions in series 67 substrate enzyme kinetics 291 Alberty equation 293 double displacement reactions 293 kinetic constant determination 293 single displacement reactions 292 Two-film theory II I absorption II I with chemical reaction II I of diffusion, Whitman II I Two-phase flow, pressure drop, frictional I heat transfer II coefficient VI U Ultimate periodic response 601 Ultra high vacuum 465 Ultra-low flow measurement 448 449 Ultrasonic agglomeration II flowmeter 442 450 gas analyser 524 time-of-flight flowmeter 440 443 This page has been reformattedby Knovel to provide easier navigation.
  24. Index Terms Links VAN, RIET, K. 208 Vapour\342\200\223liquid equilibrium II Vapour-liquid equilibrium data VI Vapour pressure at convex surface II predictionof VI Variable area flowmeters I 440 controlled 560 manipulated 560 563 VEERMAN, T. 400 401 402 VEGA CONTROLS LTD. 485 Velocities, settling II Velocity defect law I profile I propagation of a pressurewave I settling II sonic I terminal falling II Vena contracta I Vent piping design VI VENTRAS, J. S. 225 Venturi flowmeter I 440 flume 448 VERSTEEG,G.F. 198 Very high vacuum 465 Vessel supports VI Vibrating element pressure transducer 462 Viscoelastic fluids I Viscometer, Cannon\342\200\223Fenske capillary 490 cone and plate 491 Couettetype 491 falling sphere 490 This page has been reformattedby Knovel to provide easier navigation.
  25. Index Terms Links Washout of biomass in CSTFs (Cont.) with recycle 376 WASSON, R. 446 Waste incinerators VI water treatment 351 VI WASUNGU, K. M . 349 350 Water cooling I towers I construction for height I detection 519 WATSON, K. M. 149 150 Waves, shock I WEHNER, J. F. 92 167 Weight of vessels VI Weir I 448 WEISS,M.D. 497 Weissenberg rheogoniometer 492 WEISZ, P. B. 125 126 128 129 Welded joint design VI WEN, C. Y. 95 184 WENNER, R.R . 150 WEST, D. M. 531 WESTERTERP,K. R . 50 224 Wet bulb temperature II I humidity determination I 519 Wetted sphere cantactor 226 wall contactor 226 Wetted-wall columns in absorption II distillation II Wetting of solid 235 rates, packing II VI This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easiernavigation.
  26. Index Terms Links Yeasts(Cont.) protein content 273 Yield and output of reactors 60 selectivity 57 coefficient 339 for biomass formation 340 product fonnation 340 overall 341 high 60 overall 59 reactor comparisons 65 stress I true growth 341 YOUNG, R. E. 686 YOUNG, R. M. 723 724 Young's modulus 455 Z z-transform 673 726 Zero order hold element 679 shift, instrument 535 Zeros of transfer function 579 Zeroth law of thermodynamics 466 ZIEGLER,J.G. 634 Zirconia cell 510 \303\230STERGAARD, K. 134 \307\272STR\303\226M,K. J. 689 This page has been reformattedby Knovel to provide easier navigation.