Đề tài Responsible tourism marketing and communication

By the end of this unit, participants will be able to:
• Describe the types of different dissemination
channels for interaction with visitors
• Explain the importance of marketing and
communicating about Responsible Tourism
• Explain the importance of authenticity and accuracy
in marketing Responsible Tourism
• Identify the types of sustainability marketing
messages that can be delivered to tourists
• Explain the importance of customer data protection
• Describe the communication channels for
disseminating Responsible Tourism provisions 
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Nội dung text: Đề tài Responsible tourism marketing and communication

  1. Unit outline Objectives Topics By the end of this unit, participants will be able to: 1. Importance of responsible marketing • Describe the types of different dissemination and communications in channels for interaction with visitors tourism • Explain the importance of marketing and 2. Communicating communicating about Responsible Tourism authentic and accurate • Explain the importance of authenticity and accuracy messages in marketing Responsible Tourism 3. Marketing and communicating • Identify the types of sustainability marketing sustainable practices messages that can be delivered to tourists 4. Maintaining data • Explain the importance of customer data protection privacy in marketing • Describe the communication channels for 5. Collecting visitor disseminating Responsible Tourism provisions feedback
  2. The role and function of marketing and communications Management process Engages audiences Aims for Presents attitudinal or messages behavioural response
  3. The “4P” marketing mix PRICE PLACE • Discounts • Distribution • Commissions channels • Surcharges • Methods of • Extras distribution • Coverage • Location PROMOTION PRODUCT • Advertising • Design • Sales promotion • Quality • Salesmanship • Range • Publicity • Brand name • Features
  4. Pricing in tourism marketing • Refers to the amount charged for a tourism product • Cost of end product as well as at points along distribution chain • May be adjusted for different circumstances • Regulated through conditions • Amount should consider operating costs, profit margin and distribution network costs • Other influences include demand, seasonality, target market, and competitors
  5. Promotion in tourism marketing • Aims to influence, inform, and / or persuade • Usually a mix of: – Advertising – Public Relations – Personal selling – Sales Promotions • Promotional mix depends on consumer profile - what do they read, where do they go, who influences them ?
  6. Applying principles of responsibility to marketing and communication • Respects law and good practice • Decent and honest • Respects fair competition • Has sense of social responsibility • Respects user privacy
  7. Benefits of responsible tourism marketing and communication Creates competitive advantage Increases value and demand Increases customer loyalty Increases customer satisfaction Facilitates more respectful interaction in destinations
  8. Tourism experiences involve INFLUENCES: Place Infrastructure Demand Services Motivation TOURIST EXPERIENCE Others? Interpretation Authenticity Types of tourists
  9. Examples of inauthentic advertising from around the world  Sharing a bottle of wine on the beach really? The Mediterranean Sea has never looked ÉAre we in Spain or the this good! Carribbean!? Picture sources:
  10. Commodification of culture • The manufacturing and selling of culture for profit • Response to fulfilling demand for perceived authenticity • May result in the loss of original meaning • Imperative to ensure involvement and determination of local people Picture source:
  11. Greenwashing • Knowingly misleading consumers about a product or service’s environmental practices or benefits for own gain CAUSES • Sector’s intensity in resource use • Largely unregulated nature of the sector • Sector composition and competition EFFECTS • Consumer demand • Erosion of public trust of tourism eco-labels • Reputational damage
  12. The “7 Sins” of tourism promotion • The hidden • Irrelevance SIN 1. trade-off SIN 5. • Lesser of two • No proof SIN 2. SIN 6. evils SIN 3. • Vagueness SIN 7. • Fibbing • Worshiping false Source: Kuehnel J. 2011, ‘Greenwashing in the Travel and Tourism Industry’, Toronto Sustainability Series , Available [online]: SIN 4. labels industry/2/, Accessed: 21/01/2014
  13. Steps to identifying and communicating authenticity in marketing Understand Understand own the function, Identify the perspective Market and meaning and ideal or set about the promote importance of ideals you tourism according to of the local want to be products and those ideals culture and known for experiences environment being sold
  14. The function and purpose of marketing and communicating sustainable practices Gain Inform about support in sustainability Feel good sustainability activities efforts FOR BUSINESS & DESTINATIONS FOR TOURISTS
  15. Step 1. Understand the markets and customise sustainability messages • While most consumers care it Key does not mean they will act market “Ethical seekers” : differently segments Seek out green holidays as a continuation of • However, when everything their lifestyle else is equal, sustainability “Just want to values and actions switch off”: Want a simple, differentiate a product uncomplicated • Need to know attitudes of break from daily life key market segments and “Feel good factor”: Take an interest in tailor sustainability messages sustainable tourism accordingly through travel press
  16. Step 2. Identify objectives of sustainability communications 1. To raise 2. To allow 3. To increase awareness and tourists to feel visitation change good about and/or sales behaviour doing the right thing Picture sources: 1885_i1314084682.php?type=tax_images&taxon=7&sort_order=asc&sort_key=year
  17. Objective 2: Communicating sustainability to let consumers feel good • Consumers appreciate efforts regardless of motivation for travel • Show consumers how you have “taken care of” sustainable issues which then allows them to relax and enjoy the benefits • Promote easy sustainability options such as: – Easy methods to make charitable donations – Promoting sustainable holiday options (e.g. public transport options, where to recycle etc.) • Ensure sustainability options are ‘good’ choices with positive impacts Picture sources:
  18. Step 3. Develop appropriate messages and communication channels • Common mistakes in communicating messages of sustainability: – Lecturing tourists – Being overly apologetic • Key: Communicate messages carefully to get the desired response from the consumer. Picture source:
  19. Key communication channels for sustainability messages • Thread messages throughout the current communication channel & examine new opportunities. • In particular, the following channels should be considered: Certification Press Website Social media Print media
  20. Step 4. Communicating messages at the right time AFTER THE BEFORE VISIT BOOKING • Updates on • Pre-departure sustainability info activities BETWEEN DURING THE BOOKING & VISIT ARRIVAL • Physically show • Tourism sustainability product practices sustainability areas
  21. The role and importance of good data management • Data is needed in order to carry out and regulate business • Good data management refers to the maintenance of privacy in the collection, storage and use of personal data • Good data management is important: – To enhance and build on relationships with customers – To reduce the likelihood of financial, commercial and reputational challenges due to bad practice Picture source:
  22. Ensuring data is collected in the right way • Data should only be • Good practice in collected if: collecting data: – It relates to the type of 1. Inform if information business the organisation might be used for is in marketing or other – The purpose for collecting purposes the information can be 2. Include a privacy policy demonstrated and explain the purpose of collecting data and its usage in application forms / contracts 3. Obtain legal advice on how to collect bank or credit card details Picture source:
  23. Vietnamese Law on Protection of Consumers’ Rights & Decree No. 99/2011/ND-CP OBLIGATIONS OF TRADERS PROHIBITED ACTS OF TRADERS • Explain purpose of use • Cheating or misleading • Ensure safety, accuracy and consumers completeness of information • Regularly marketing against • Not transferring information consumers’ wishes without consent • Coercion through threatening behaviour or profiteering • Requiring payment of goods and services that weren’t ordered
  25. Methods for collecting visitor feedback C. Feedback forms and A. Surveys B. Focus groups comment cards E. On the spot verbal D. Social media feedback and observation
  26. Potential types of information to collect in a satisfaction survey Level of satisfaction Components of Levels of Consumer profile Others: with: satisfaction: satisfaction: characteristics: • Restaurant and • Value • Very dissatisfied • Age • Source of Café • Accessibility • Dissatisfied • Origin / nationality information • Accommodation • Service • Somewhat • Gender • Recommendations • Attractions • Environment dissatisfied • Income bracket for improvement • Shopping • Communication • Neutral • Profession • Likely to make return visit / • Events style • Somewhat satisfied • Type of travel purchase • • • Satisfied arrangement • Likely to • Very satisfied • Motivations recommend • Travel party size • Expenditure • Trip duration • Expectations • Repeat visitor • Activities • undertaken •
  27. B. Collecting visitor feedback through focus groups • Open discussion of a small group of people led by a moderator • Gets in depth understanding of thoughts and opinions • Structured around predetermined questions • Group is homogenous • Requires repeon
  28. Example of basic questions for a focus group on visitor satisfaction of a destination ENGAGEMENT QUESTIONS 3. What motivated you to visit the destination? 4. How did you find out about the destination? 5. What was your experience in organising travel arrangements? EXPLORATION QUESTIONS 3. What were the best things you saw or experienced in the destination? 4. What were the most disappointing aspects of your holiday in the destination? 5. How do you feel about the standard of service and quality of the attractions in the destination? 6. How well did the holiday represent good value for money? EXIT QUESTION 8. Would you recommend the destination to family and friends? 9. Is there anything else you would like to say about your holiday in the destination?
  29. Example of questions in a guest feedback form • How friendly was the front desk staff? • How convenient was the hotel • How quick was the check-in process? breakfast service? • How clean was your room upon • How delicious was the hotel breakfast arrival? service? • How clean did the housekeeping staff • How affordable was the hotel breakfast keep your room throughout your stay? service? • How well-equipped was your room? • How affordable was your stay at our hotel? • How helpful was the concierge throughout your stay? • Overall, were you satisfied with our hotel, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied • How comfortable were your bed linens? it, or dissatisfied with it? How likely are you to recommend our • How quickly did the hotel restaurant • serve your order? hotel to others?
  30. E. Collecting visitor feedback through on the spot feedback and observation • Observe what visitors are doing • Understand what visitors are thinking • Simple, cheap and fast • Helps fix problems before visitors depart • Attitude: “all feedback is good feedback”
  31. Xin trân trọng cảm ơn! Thank you!