Topic Knowledge of people's travel motivations and its association with destination selection plays a critical role in predicting future travel patterns. the objectives of this study were to uncover the travel experience of tourist associated with inner m

Open economy creates favorable conditions for tourism development. In the
context of globalization, foreign tourists and local people aim to understand the
unique culture of each region. Traditional culture is focused on tourism by travel
companies. Combined with enjoying the beautiful scenery of the homeland, looking
back to the ethnic origin, spiritual cultural tourism has been the current development
trend. In the historical and cultural relics containing many Han - Nôm cultures are
diverse, valuable and valuable. Both national history and local cultural traditions
contained in ideological symbols with bold humanity. In recent years, the
development of regional tourism, local tourism has attracted a large number of
domestic and international visitors. Through traditional cultural festivals, visitors
cross over to understand the people, national history and fine cultural traditions of
Vietnamese people 
pdf 9 trang xuanthi 05/01/2023 140
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Nội dung text: Topic Knowledge of people's travel motivations and its association with destination selection plays a critical role in predicting future travel patterns. the objectives of this study were to uncover the travel experience of tourist associated with inner m

  1. texts, widely used nationwide. On the basis of taking Chinese characters, our father created Nôm to express a sense of cultural independence. The word Nôm 喃 comes from the need for expression in ethnic languages. Since its appearance, Nôm characters has been used in many areas from practice to literature. Over the ages, Nôm has been modified, changed or changed from the point of view of the user or according to the development of Vietnamese phonetic history. Although there are certain deficiencies, Nom is always a recording tool of the Vietnamese people, expressing the spirit and will of national independence, helping our people to fight against all political enslavement. as well as culture. It exists and grows constantly with the development of the country's literature, leaving us many valuable works. Based on the data, around the 12th century, Nom was used to engrave epitaphs, contracts, and records, recording the names of people and places in administrative documents and beliefs. Although there are certain deficiencies, Nom is always a recording tool of the Vietnamese people, expressing the spirit and will of national independence, helping our people to fight against all political enslavement. as well as culture. It exists and grows constantly with the development of the country's literature, leaving us many valuable works. Based on the data, around the 12th century, Nom was used to engrave epitaphs, contracts, and records, recording the names of people and places in administrative documents and beliefs. Associated with Chinese characters, Nom is Han - Nom culture, Han - Nom script is used in all fields of history, culture and society. The development of Chinese characters and Nôm has left many legacies into Han Nom literature, which enriched the national cultural treasure. In some tourist destinations across the country of Vietnam: pagodas, temples, shrines, pagodas, temples, temples, tombs, churches, communal houses, guild halls, stopovers, village gates, and tourist resorts. calendar tourists can see the sign, the name of the monument, the sentence on the gate, the horizontal picture, the calligraphy written in Chinese characters, Nom characters. Presenting beautifully, the deep meaning contained in each letter makes visitors more interested in exploring. A good first impression created a spiritual and cultural tour with more meaning and poetry. 2. Method - Methods of language - cultural - historical analysis: using historical and cultural corpus to analyze the value of the Han Nom literature system in Vietnamese national cultural treasures - Methods of analysis – statistics: based on the number of turns of tourists visiting cultural and historical sites in recent years to see the development of the type of historical - cultural tourism 882
  2. Han Nom heritage contributed create ancient, elegant, solemn and serene beauty in each place. Not only that, the soft sketches like flying dragon phoenix dance every calligraphy to make visitors admire admiringly. Han Nom script is associated with Confucian ideology and Buddhism. Therefore, Han Nom is also a symbol of the teachings of Buddhism, Confucianism and traditional cultural traditions of each region. History of land clearing, administrative sites, cultural festivals from ancient times to present is partly expressed through the system of Han Nom scripts. Stop in front of a spiritual cultural tourist destination in Vietnam, visitors encounter sentences describing the landscape, history or meaning of the place where they arrived. The solemn nuance of Han Nom writing directs visitors to return to the origin of the nation, a little nostalgic and reminiscent of the magnificent years passed. We always look forward to the future but don't forget the past to see the development path of the country. Because, along with the time, natural phenomena and the destruction of history, many restored places change. The names of historical monuments and clusters, spiritual and cultural relics, traditional village festival names are always concise and mostly, originating from Chinese characters and contain historical stories. Explaining to understand on the language system helps visitors better understand the tourist destination. Sites Note No Sino-Vietnamese Chinese Meaning phonetic characters transcription The original temple The pagoda is located was called "Opening on the floating island the country" in the east of West (opening water) after Lake - Hanoi, ranked Tran Quoc Pagoda 1 鎭 國 寺 the name was by the state as a changed to Tran National Cultural and Quoc (the country Historical Site in 1962 was peaceful, holding the country) the temple worshiped The pagoda was built the sacred old in 1601, on Thien Mu 2 天 姥 寺 Thiên Mụ Pagoda woman of heaven mountain, a landscape and earth of Hue Hue city the bridge parked in Ngoc Son Temple - 3 棲 旭 橋 The Huc bridge the morning light Ho Guom – Ha Noi 884
  3. language of wonton in temples demonstrates Buddhist teachings. Deep meaning and human values. Besides, the local cultural and spiritual festivals at the beginning of the spring attracted the number of tourists to attend. Historical and spiritual cultural sites in Vietnam have preserved many traditional cultural and historical values. In particular, the cultural department and Han Nom literature play a very important role. Being aware of that importance, Han Nom Nom system should be preserved and developed. Han Nom heritage is an invaluable document repository for tourism activities. In the strategy of Vietnam's tourism development in the coming years, cultural and historical tourism is determined by the Party and State of Vietnam. Therefore, the management, protection, exploitation and embellishment of historical monuments should be given due attention. If not, many relics of cultural historical value will be degraded, gradually disappearing. We should consider and proceed to build "cultural tourism villages" and diversify regional cultural tourism products and types of tourism: community tourism, source tourism, spiritual tourism, archeological, historical and religious tourism 4.2. Train tourism human resources to understand Han Nom knowledge In tourism activities, the tour guide team plays an important role. The strategy of developing tourism human resources must be directed to the quantity, quality and structure of human resources. The more professional the tour guide team is, the more tourism industry will develop. Towards the development of the type of historical tourism, spiritual cultural tourism, colleges and universities for tourism professional training, it is necessary to build a scientific training program and be suitable with practice. The Han Nom class can integrate teaching and training as a module. With this object, Han Nom module will provide basic and necessary knowledge about Han Nom for tourism. The Han Nom Curriculum for tourism by Pham Van Khoai is the reference for this training program. After completing the Han Nom program for tourism, students have a basic knowledge of the Chinese scriptures (structure, form and expression), providing knowledge of Nôm theory (concept , characteristics, roles and creative causes). Students can write Chinese characters and Nôm characters in accordance with the rules of the pros and cons, using Chinese-Vietnamese dictionary, to look up and interpret some Chinese characters and Hán Việt words often encounter places and historical and cultural relics. Students can access a number of Han Nom texts to create the ability to read and interpret simple Hán Nôm texts (sentences for sentences, rectangles, great ones ) using knowledge of Chinese characters and letters. Nom tourism activities. Since then, tourism culture students are aware of the importance of learning Chinese and Nom scripts, and have a spirit of marketing in 886
  4. Learning of Vietnamese people is linked to real needs. We determine education is to shape personality and foster talent. Educational institutions always uphold the spirit of "First school, post-study". In the mind of the Vietnamese people, the teacher is a boatman who diligently carries many generations of students to the edge of knowledge. "Most self-monks and half-masters" (A word is also a teacher, another word is also a teacher), or "If you want to come, you will be asked to pray for a son or a son." make it ". The teacher is always respected and promoted by society. Not only teachers in schools, there are teachers who quietly teach hieroglyphs in folklore. The current situation is very few people know the Hán Nôm font. Therefore, it is necessary to preserve and teach this special word in many forms. In addition to a number of Han Nom lecturers in colleges and universities, there is a contingent of teachers in "old and rare" age, monks and nuns at pagodas who teach people who love Han and Nom characters. The form of opening Han Nom class for free at the temples and communal houses on weekends is maintained in Vietnamese villages for many years. Each class attracts about 10-20 students. However, young knowledge classes are very few, only students with new retirement age study. The previous generation had fathers who were from the Confucian class, so they had studied and knew the concept of this type of word. Retired, they have time to learn, write calligraphy, chant literature as an elegant pastime. The issue needs to inspire and foster the interest in learning Chinese and Nom scripts for the young generation of Vietnam to preserve the traditional Han Nom cultural values. Objectively speaking, Chinese characters and Nom scripts are written according to pen rules, difficult to remember, difficult to understand, so the reception is not simple. The method of learning how to memorize hieroglyphs, distinguishing meaning with Chinese characters is what every learner should pay attention to when learning Han Nom. Learn according to the way of old people - "ancient people learn" and flexibly apply the education motto of Confucius - "try to review old lessons to learn new lessons". There are many suggestions according to the introduction of Han and Nom characters to teach in high schools. In the opinion of the Associate Professor. Dr. Doan Le Giang in his essay "The Interim for the Han Chinese School debate" . Although Vietnamese people are no longer using Chinese characters, they use Han Vietnamese words to 60-70%. Sino-Vietnamese word is a unique product of the Viet Han language exchange and contact process. Phenomenon of misuse, misunderstandings from Han Vietnamese words are very popular. One of the reasons is that Vietnamese people use Han Viet by habit and do not distinguish the 888