Chemical Engineering: Volume 6: Coulson Richardsons

The off-gases (vent gas) from reactors, and recycle stream purges are often of high enough
calorific value to be used as fuels.
The calorific value of a gas can be calculated from the heats of combustion of its
constituents; the method is illustrated in Example 3.14.
Other factors which, together with the calorific value, will determine the economic
value of an off-gas as a fuel are the quantity available and the continuity of supply.
Waste gases are best used for steam raising, rather than for direct process heating, as this
decouples the source from the use and gives greater flexibility 
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  1. SUBJECT INDEX 1025 Flotation separators 407 Furnaces Flow control 229 costs 259 Flow-induced vibrations, in exchanger tubes 653 4 see also Fired heaters Flow-sheet calculations basis for calculations 142 3 scaling factor 143 Gallons, imperial (UK) compared with US 14 15 time basis 142 3 Galvanic corrosion 289 90 combined heat and material balances 144 68 Gas-cleaning equipment 448 60 design constraints 141 selection of 449 dichloroethane manufacture 147 50 Gas holders 479 equilibrium stage 143 4 Gas liquid separators 460 5 fixed stream compositions 144 horizontal 463 5 liquid liquid equilibria 149 50 settling velocity in 461 liquid vapour equilibria 146 9 vertical 461 2 manual 141 68 Gas oil, physical properties 680 nitric acid manufacture 150 68 Gas solids separation 448 reactors 143 Gas solids separators water gas reaction 144 6 cyclones 449, 450 60 Flow-sheet presentation 133 41 filters 458 9 basis shown for calculations 140 gravity settlers 448, 449 block diagram 134 impingement separators 448, 449, 450 computer-aided drafting 140 1 Gas solubilities 351 equipment identification 140 Gaseous wastes examples 136 8 energy recovery from 105 7 information to be shown 135 treatment of 903 layout 139 Gases nitric acid plant 136 7 costs 264 of batch processes 140 densities 315 16 pictorial representation 134 diffusion coefficients 331 2 precision of data 139 40 mixing of 468 stream flow-rates 134 pressure drop calculations 202 symbols 134 storage of 479 utilities (services) 140 thermal conductivities 321 2 Flow-sheeting 133 93 transport of 477 9 computer-aided 168 71 viscosities 320 simulation programs 168 71 Gasketed plate heat exchangers 255, 638, Flows and compositions, constraints on 41 756 64 Fluid streams, allocation of, in heat exchangers Gaskets 757, 859 61 660 197 Fluidised-bed dryers 431 Gate valves , 198 Fluidised-bed reactors 485 pressure loss across 204 Fog formation in condensers 723 Geddes Hengstebeck equation 523, 526 8 Forced-circulation evaporators 435, 436 Glass Forced-circulation reboilers 729 as construction material 304 design of 740 1 corrosion resistance 931, 933, 935 Forced-convective boiling coefficient, estimation of Glass fibre reinforced plastics (GRP) 302 3 736 40 see also Thermosetting materials Forster Zuber correlation 732 Glass linings 304 Fouling, shell-side pressure drop affected by 705 Globe valves 198 Fouling factors (coefficients) 638, 640, 757 pressure loss across 204 Francis weir formula 572 Gold, as construction material 301 Friction factors Graphite, corrosion resistance 931, 933, 935 cross-flow tube banks 700 Gravity settlers (gas solids separators) heat exchanger tubes 668, 748 448, 449 pipes 202 Grayson Stread (G S) equation 342 shell-side 674 Grid representation, heat exchanger networks 117 Froth flotation processes 407 Grinding 465 Froth height, in downcomer 578 selection of equipment 465 7 Fuel, costs 264 Grizzly screens 402 Fugacity coefficient 339, 340, 353 Group contribution techniques, physical properties Full-faced flanges 861 predicted using 314, 321, 339, 347 8 Fuller equation 331, 585 Guest’s theory 798
  2. SUBJECT INDEX 1027 High-alloy stainless steels 298 on manufacturing processes 309 11 High-pressure streams, energy recovery from on physical properties 311 12 107 9 Inherently safe equipment 361 High-pressure vapour liquid equilibria 348 see also Intrinsically safe equipment High-pressure vessels 795, 873 9 In-line mixers 469 70 compound vessels 877 8 Institute of Metallurgists 286 fundamental equations 873 6 Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) High-temperature hazards 369 70 on cost estimation 221, 249, 250, 251, 253 High-temperature materials 287 on dust and fume control 448 High-temperature oxidation, of steels 291 on process integration 111, 120, 122, 124 High-temperature reactors, energy recovery from on safety 361 103 5 on waste minimisation 902 Historical-costs approach (cost estimation) 247 9 Instrumentation and control objectives 227 8 Hold-down plates, in packed columns 615 Instrumentation symbols 196 7 Homogeneous reactions 484 Instruments 227 Hoppers 482 Insulation, density 836 HSAWA see Health & Safety at Work etc. Act Insurance costs 266 HTFS (Heat Transfer and Fluid Services) 634, 692, Intalox saddles 590, 591 742, 744 Integral condensation 720 1 HTRI (Heat Transfer Research Inc.) 634, 640, 742, Integral heats of solution 72 3 751 Intergranular corrosion 290, 298 HTU see Height of transfer unit; Transfer units Interlocks (safety) 236 Hydraulic conveying 482 Internal coils 777 8 Hydraulic gradient, on plates 574 Internal energy 61 Hydraulic jigs 405, 406 Internal floating-head heat exchangers 642 3 Hydraulic mean diameter, in heat exchangers Internal reboiler 730 663 4 International Critical Tables (ITC) 311 Hydraulic presses 426 Internet sources 311 Hydrocarbons, K-values 348 Interval temperature, in problem table method 115, Hydrocylones 404 5, 422 6, 446 116 Hydrogen embrittlement 292 Intrinsic safety 361 Hydrogen manufacture (design exercise) 978 82 Intrinsically safe equipment (electrical) 361, 367 Hydroseparators 405 Investment criteria 275 Hygiene, industrial 362 Ion exchange 447 Hypac packing 590, 591 Ionising radiation 368 Hypalon 303 Iron and alloys 295 6 Hyprotech program suite 169, 517 costs 293, 294 HYSYS simulation package 169 properties 285, 286 Isentropic efficiency 82, 83, 84 Isentropic expansion and compression 62 ICARUS program 278 Isentropic work, calculation of 82 Ideal tube bank ISO (International Organization for Standardization) heat transfer coefficients 693 5 12 pressure drop 699 Isometric drawings, piping 223 Ignition sources 366 8 Isothermal expansion and compression 62 Immiscible solvents 623 Imperial gallons (UK) 14 15 Impingement separators (gas solid) 448, 449, 450 j-factor, in heat transfer 664 6 Incineration of wastes 107, 903, 904 Jacketed vessels 775 7 Inconel 287, 299 heat transfer in 638, 777 Independent components, number of 40 1 mechanical design of 825 31 Indirect capital costs 252 3 Jackets Industrial hygiene 362 heat transfer in 777 Inert gas 902 pressure drop in 777 costs 264 Joint efficiency, welded joints 812 13 Inflammable see Flammability Journal of Chemical Engineering Data 312 Inflation (cost) 245 7, 274 Information flow and design variables 15 19 K-values 342 and structure of design problems 20 4 for hydrocarbons 348 diagrams 171, 172, 177 Kern’s design method for heat exchangers 671 93 Information sources overall heat transfer coefficient 678, 682
  3. SUBJECT INDEX 1029 fundamentals 34 59 pressure vessels 794 814 general algebraic method 42 4 thin-walled vessels 815 25 general procedure 56 7 Mechanical properties 284 7 number of independent components 40 1 effect of temperature on 287 purge affecting 52 3 Mechanical seals 214 16 recycle streams in 50 2 Membrane filtration 434 simple programs 168 Membrane stresses in shells 798 805, 879 tie components in 44 6 MESH (Material balance, Equilibrium, Summation, units for compositions 35 6 Heat energy) equations 498, 502, 515 unsteady-state calculations 54 6 Metals and alloys 295 301 see also MESH equations corrosion resistance (chart) 918 23 Material factors, in Dow F & E Index 372 3, costs 293 374 fabrication properties 285 Material properties 284 95 mechanical properties 286 corrosion resistance 287 92 physical properties 297, 662 creep 287 Methyl ethyl ketone manufacture (design exercise) effect of temperature on 287 971 3 fatigue 286 Microprocessors, in process control 236, 238 hardness 286 Minimum number of heat exchangers in network stiffness 285 121 2 tensile strength 285 Minimum reflux ratio 495 toughness 286 Underwood equation 525 6 Materials of construction 295 305 Minimum shell thickness (heat exchangers) 647 aluminium and alloys 299 300 Minimum temperature difference, in heat exchangers bricks and tiles 304 114, 122 3 carbon 305 Minimum wall thickness, pressure vessels 814 copper and alloys 299 Miscellaneous materials, costs 262 corrosion chart 917 35 Miscellaneous pressure losses 202, 204 costs 293 4 Mixers see Mixing equipment fabrication chart 285 Mixing glass 303 4 of gases 468 Hastelloys 299 of liquids 468 76 Inconel 287, 299 of pastes and solids 476 iron and steel 295 6 Mixing equipment 468 76 lead 300 data sheet for 998 mechanical properties 284 7 flow-sheet calculations 185 Monel 298 9 for gases 468 plastics 301 3 for liquids 468 76 platinum 301 for solids and pastes 476 for pressure vessels 811, 812 Mixtures refractories 304 5 boiling heat transfer coefficients 744, 752 stainless steels 296 8 classification of 350, 351 stoneware 304 condensation of 719 23 tantalum 300 enthalpy 71 3 titanium 300 heat capacities 323 zirconium and alloys 300 latent heat of vaporisation 329 30 Matrix exchangers 764 surface tension 335 Maximum heat flux see Critical heat flux thermal conductivity 322 Maximum principal stress theory of failure 797 viscosity 319 20 Maximum shear stress 797, 876 Modular construction 897 Maximum shear stress theory of failure 797 8, Mollier diagrams 82 4 834, 876 Mond Index 378 9 Maximum strain energy theory of failure 798 Monel 298 9 Mean heat capacities 68 9 costs 293, 294 Mean temperature difference properties 285, 286 in condensers 717 Mostinski equation 733, 740 in heat exchangers 655 9 Multicomponent distillation in reboilers/vaporisers 752 distribution of non-key components 526 8 Mechanical design 794 891 general considerations 515 17 centrifuges 879 83 key components 516 jacketed vessels 825 31 non-key components 516, 526 8 piping systems 216 18 number and sequencing of columns 517
  4. SUBJECT INDEX 1031 design procedure 589 Pipe fittings 217 plates vs packing 588 9 pressure loss in 204 selection of packing 589 93 Pipe friction factor 202, 203 size of packing 591 Pipe-line calculations (pressure drop) 201 6, Packed columns 224 6 control of 234 Pipe roughness 202 flooding in 601 Pipe schedule number 216 17 hold-down plates 615 Pipe size selection 218 25 installing packings into 615 Pipe stressing 217 18 internal fittings in 609 16 Pipe supports 217 liquid distributors 610 11, 612 13 Pipe velocities, typical values 218 19 liquid hold-up in 615 16 Pipe wall thickness 216 17 liquid redistribution in 612 14 Piping and instrumentation 194 242 packing support 609 10 Piping and Instrumentation (P & I) diagrams 133, Packed glands 213 14 194 7 Packing characteristics 591 symbols 195 7, 908 16 Packing, effective area of 601 typical example 237 Packing efficiencies, typical values 598 Piping, mechanical design of 216 18 Packing size considerations 592 Piping systems, layout and design of 218 Packings for columns 589 97 Pitting corrosion 290 costs 259 Plait point, solvent extraction 619 wetting rates 616 Plant attainment 7, 30, 143 Paints (protective coatings) 305 Plant layout 896 9 Pall rings 259, 590, 591 factors 896 7 Pan filters 414 techniques 897 9 Partial condensers (cooler-condensers) 719 visual impact 905 design of 722 3 Plant layout models in nitric acid manufacture 153 6, 164 6 computer-generated 898 9 Parts per billion (ppb) 36 expert systems 899 Parts per million (ppm) 36 physical model 897 8 Pastes, mixing of 476 Plant location, factors affecting 892 4 Patents 310 Plant overheads (costs) 265 Pay-back time 271, 274, 275 Plant services (utilities) 6 7 Peclet number 555 costs 262, 264 Peng Robinson (P R) equation 342 flow-sheet presentation 140 Percentage by volume (v/v) 35 Plant supplies, costs 262 Percentage by weight (w/w) 35 Plastics, as construction materials 301 3 Perforated plate see Sieve plate Plate construction 561 5 Performance coefficient, heat pumps 111 downcomers 563 4 Petrochemicals Notebook 310 sectional plates 562 PFD see Process Flow Diagram side-stream and feed points 564, 565 Phase equilibria 339 40 stacked plates 562 3 choice of method structural design 564 5 for design calculations 350 1 tolerances 564 flow chart for 351, 352 Plate contactors 557 65 Phase equilibrium data 339 53 Plate design 565 87 Physical properties see also Sieve plate design information sources 170 1, 311 12, 680 Plate efficiency 498, 547 56 prediction of 313 14, 556 AIChE method 553 6, 585 6 Physical property data bank(s) 170 1, 937 57 correction for entrainment 556 7 PID see Piping and Instrumentation diagrams definitions 547 8 Pinch point (in distillation) 495 effect of plate parameters on 556 Pinch technology 111 15 O’Connell’s correlation 550 2 four-stream problem 113 14 prediction of 548 50 multiple utilities 124 typical values 549 simple two-stream problem 112 13 Van Winkle’s correlation 552, 597 Pinch (temperature) 114 Plate-and-frame filters 259, 412 design of heat exchanger network above 118 19 Plate-fin exchangers 764 5 design of heat exchanger network below 119 20 Plate heat exchangers 756 65 significance of 115 advantages 756 7 Pipe diameter see Economic ; Equivalent ; costs 255 Optimum pipe diameter data sheet for 994
  5. SUBJECT INDEX 1033 maximum energy recovery 118 Reaction yield 48 50, 159, 184 minimum number of exchangers 121 3 Reactive distillation 547 other process operations 124 7 Reactor design pinch technology 111 15 batch or continuous processing 483 4 problem table method 115 17 homogeneous or heterogeneous reactions 484 stream splitting in 120 procedure 486 Process manuals 11 requirements to be satisfied 483 Process stream, in design calculations 17 Reactor types 484 5 Process water 901 fluidised bed 485 Product storage 6 packed bed 485 Project documentation 10 11 stirred tank 484 5 Project evaluation 270 8 tubular 485 computer methods 278 Reactors 6, 482 6 Project manager 9 control of 233 5 Project organisation 7 10 costs 259 Projects, types 4 flow-sheet calculations 151 3, 185 Proof stress 285 Reboiler design 728 55 typical values 286 forced-circulation reboilers 740 1 Protective coatings (paints) 305 kettle reboilers 750 5 Pseudo-binary systems, multicomponent distillation thermosyphon reboilers 741 50 518 21 Reboilers Pseudo-fresh feeds 175 control of 230 1 PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) 302 costs 268 Pump efficiency, centrifugal pumps 207, 209, 480 selection of 729 31 Pump shaft seals 213 16 types 729 Pumping power 206, 220, 480 Reciprocating compressors 84, 259, 477, 478 Pumps 199 216 Reciprocating pumps 201, 231, 996 characteristic (performance) curves 208, 209 Reciprocating screens 403 control of 210, 231 Recovery columns, costs 268 data/specification sheets 227, 995 7 Rectifying section (distillation column) 494 net positive suction head 212 13 Recycle of information 24 power requirements 206 8 Recycle processes 50 2 selection of 199 201, 481 manual flow-sheet calculations 171 87 system curve (operating line) 210 12 Recycling of waste 902 3 see also Centrifugal pumps; Diaphragm pumps; Redlich Kwong (R K) equation 341, 353 Reciprocating pumps; Rotary pumps Redlich Kwong Soave (R K S) equation Purchased equipment cost see Equipment costs 341 Purge streams, in material balances 52 3 Reflux, in distillation 495 6 Purification stage 6 Reflux ratio 495 PVC (poly(vinyl chloride)) 301 2 minimum 495, 525 6 PVDF (poly(vinylidene fluoride)) 302 optimum 496 total 495 Refractory materials 304 5 q-line (distillation) 505 6, 509 10 Refrigeration 901 Quantitative risk analysis 390 costs 264 computer software for 395 6 Relative volatility 340 Quench towers 766 Relaxation methods, multicomponent distillation QUESTIMATE (software) 278 545 Relief valves 368, 1000 Revolving screens 403 Rake classifiers 405 Riffled tables 405 6 Random packings 591 2 Rings (column packing) 590, 591, 592 Raoult’s law 340 costs 259 Rapid methods for cost estimation 247 50 Risk analysis Raschig rings 590, 591 computer software for 395 6 Rate of return (ROR) 273, 275 see also Dow fire and explosion index Rating methods, for distillation columns 543 ROSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Ratio control 231, 233 Accidents), publications 369 Raw materials Rotary compressors 478 costs 261, 263 Rotary dryers 259, 430 1 site selection influenced by 893 Rotary pumps 480, 481, 997 storage of 5 6 Royal Society of Chemistry, publications 363
  6. SUBJECT INDEX 1035 tube-side passes 647 Solid liquid extraction (of dissolved liquids) 447 tube-side pressure drop 666 8 Solid liquid separators 408 34 tube sizes 645, 686 Solid solid separators 401 8 types 641, 642 4 Solid wastes window zone 703 energy recovery from 107 pressure drop 699 treatment of 904 Shell passes (types), in heat exchangers 649, 650 Solids Shell-side flow patterns 669 70 drying of 426 34 Shell-side heat transfer coefficient heat capacities 322 5 Bell’s method 693, 708 mixing of 476 Kern’s method 677 8, 681 2, 687 8, 725 6 storage of 482 Shell-side nozzle pressure drop 675 thermal conductivity 320 Shell-side pressure drop 705 6, 727 8 Solution, integral heats of 72 3 Shells of revolution, membrane stresses in Solvent extraction 446, 447, 617 24 798 805 extractor design 618 23 Shipping costs 262 immiscible solvents 623 Short-cut methods, distillation 517 42 selection of equipment 617 18 Short-tube evaporators 435 supercritical fluids 624 Shrink-fitted compound vessels 877 Solvent selection 617 SI units 14 Souders Brown equation 557 conversion factors 15, 958 9 Souders’ equation 316 Side-entering agitators 476 Sour-water systems 348 Side streams, take-off from plates 564, 565 Specific enthalpy Sieve plate 558, 559, 561 calculation of 67 8 performance diagram 566 prediction using equations of state 353 Sieve plate design 565 87 Specific heats 322 8 areas 567 of mixtures 323 diameter 567 9, 580 1 of solids and liquids 322 5 downcomer liquid back-up 577 9, 583 Specific speed of pumps 200 entrainment correlation 570 1 Specification sheets (equipment data sheets) 10, 11, hole pitch 574, 584 227, 990 1001 hole size 573 Spherical pressure vessels 479, 802, 815 hydraulic gradient 574 Spiral heat exchangers 765 liquid-flow arrangement 569, 581 Split-fraction coefficient(s) 173 liquid throw 575 estimation of 177 9 perforated area 572 3, 584 guide rules for various unit operations 185 7 pressure drop 561, 575 7, 582 3 Split-fraction concept 172 5 procedure 567 example of use 176 85 weep point 571 2 Spray dryers 432, 433 weir dimensions 572 Spreadsheets Sieving 401 4 economic analysis 273 Sifting screens 403 energy balance calculations 91 3, 97 9 Sigma theory for centrifuges 418 20 liquid-phase activity coefficients 344, 345 Silicate materials 303 5 mass balance calculations 179 83 Silver, as construction material 301 for net present worth 273 Simple material balance programs 168 for optimum pipe diameter 220 1 SIMPLEX algorithm 29 problem table (in process integration) 125 Simulation packages 168 71 Stack design, fired heaters 774 5 Sink-and-float separators 406 Stacked plates (in column) 562 3 Site layout 894 6 Stainless steel(s) 296 8 Site selection, factors affecting 892 4 corrosion resistance 297 8 Six-tenths rule 247 costs 293, 294 Skirt supports 845, 848 56 duplex steels 298 base ring and anchor bolt design 850 3 high-alloy steels 298 skirt thickness 848 50 properties 285, 286, 297 Skirts, on pressure vessel ends and closure 816, surface finish 295 817, 819 types 296, 297 Slip-on flanges 858, 859, 866 Stainless steel pipe Smith Brinkley method, in multicomponent costs 221 distillation 522 3 economic/optimum diameter calculations 221 Smoker equations 512 15 Standard flanges 865 6, 960 4 Solid bowl centrifuges 418 Standard heats of formation 79
  7. SUBJECT INDEX 1037 TREB4 program 744 diaphragm 198 Tresca’s theory 798 gate 197, 198 Trips, safety 236 globe 198 Trouton’s rule 328 plug 197, 198 Tube plates see Tube sheets Van Winkle’s correlation (plate efficiency) 552 Tube rolling 652 3 Van-stone flanges 859 Tube sheets (plates) 652 3 Vaporisers design procedures 867 9 control of 230 1 layouts 647 9, 1002 6 design of 728 55 Tube vibrations, flow-induced 653 4 see also Reboilers Tube-side heat transfer coefficients, heat exchangers Vaporisation, latent heat of 328 30 662 6, 676 7, 681, 726 Vapour liquid equilibria Tube-side pressure drop, heat exchangers 666 8, in flow-sheet calculations 146 9 728 at high pressures 348 Tubular bowl centrifuges 417 prediction of 346 8 Tubular Heat Exchangers Manufacturers Association Vapour liquid equilibrium data 339 see TEMA Vapour liquid separators 460 5 Tubular reactors 485 Vapour pressure 330 1 Turbo-expanders 108 Vapours, density 315 16 Turn-down ratio 561 Variable operating costs 261, 267, 269 Velocity heads, number of heat exchangers 667 U-tube heat exchanger 642, 1004 pipe fittings and valves 204 as vaporiser 752 5 Vent gases, energy recovery from 105 7 Ullman’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Technology Vent piping 369 310 Venturi scrubbers 459 Ultimate oxygen demand (UOD) 904 Vessel data sheet 991 Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) 285 Vessel heads 815 22 Unconfined vapour cloud explosions 366 under external pressure 829 30 Under-pressure (vacuum) 369 Vessel jackets 775 7 Underwood equation 525 6 Vessel shapes 799 UNIFAC method 347, 349 Vessel supports 844 58 limitations 348 brackets 845, 856 8 UNIQUAC (universal quasi-chemical) equation saddles 844 8 346, 349 skirts 845, 848 56 Units Vibrating screens 403 conversion factors 15, 958 9 Vinyl chloride, manufacture of 77 9 for compositions in material balances 35 6 Viscosity 316 20 systems 14 15 gases 320 Unsteady-state energy balance calculations 99 100 liquids 316 20 Unsteady-state material balance calculations 54 6 effect of pressure 319 UOD (ultimate oxygen demand) 904 variation with temperature 318 20 Urea manufacture (design exercise) 975 8 mixtures of liquids 319 20 US dollars, exchange rates 249, 253 Viscosity correction factor, in heat transfer 666, US units 14 15, 248 691 Utilities (services) 6 7, 900 2 Visual impact of plant 905 costs 262, 264 Viton 303 flow-sheet presentation 140 Vitreous enamel, corrosion resistance 931, site selection influenced by 893 933, 935 UTS (ultimate tensile strength) 285 Volume basis of composition 35 Vacuum pumps 479 Washing of gases 459 Vacuum relief 369 Waste Vacuum vessels see Pressure vessel design, for aqueous, treatment of 904 5 external pressure biological treatment of 904 Valve plates 559 60, 561 discharge to sewers 905 Valve selection 197 9 dumping at sea 904 Valve types energy recovery from 105 7 ball 198 gaseous 105 7, 903 butterfly 199 incineration of 107, 904 check/non-return 199 landfill 904