Đề tài Supporting tourism destinations picture source
By the end of the unit participants will be able to:
• Explain the importance of interacting with
destination communities and authorities
• Describe how to introduce responsible tourism
practices into collaboration mechanisms and
agreements with destination communities
• Identify methods to build local capacity about the
importance of sustainable tourism
• List and describe ways to generate funds to support
the development of local tourism destinations and
By the end of the unit participants will be able to:
• Explain the importance of interacting with
destination communities and authorities
• Describe how to introduce responsible tourism
practices into collaboration mechanisms and
agreements with destination communities
• Identify methods to build local capacity about the
importance of sustainable tourism
• List and describe ways to generate funds to support
the development of local tourism destinations and
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Nội dung text: Đề tài Supporting tourism destinations picture source
- Unit outline Objectives Topics By the end of the unit participants will be able to: 1. Overview of responsible support to • Explain the importance of interacting with tourism destinations destination communities and authorities 2. Incorporating responsibly responsible tourism • Describe how to introduce responsible tourism practices into practices into collaboration mechanisms and interactions with agreements with destination communities destination communities • Identify methods to build local capacity about the importance of sustainable tourism 3. Promoting sustainable tourism in destinations • List and describe ways to generate funds to support 4. Helping finance the development of local tourism destinations and sustainable tourism communities destinations
- What do we mean by supporting local tourism destinations? • The provision of assistance to local communities to manage their tourism related resources sustainably • Recognises a moral obligation • Recognises it also makes businesses sense • Requires not only supporting the local people, but also the local environment, culture and economy Picture source:
- The key principles of supporting local tourism destinations STRENGTHEN HELP links and partnerships with key local stakeholders develop better stakeholders tourism experiences INFLUENCE INFORM positive change by using business the local community about the weight importance of safeguarding its culture, economy and environment BECOME INVOLVED in community development activities
- Relationships in a tourism code of conduct Code of Economy Conduct Destination Management Organisation Tourism (DMO) Organisation People Tourists LOCAL TOURISM DESTINATION Environment
- Example of a visitor code of conduct 2/2 Source: VNAT, Do’s and Don'ts in Vietnam for Community-based Tourists , VNAT, Vietnam
- Key issues to consider in drafting a tourism code of conduct Environmental impacts TOURISM IMPACTS ON Social impacts DESTINATIONS Economic impacts Picture sources:
- Possible impacts of tourism on the destination’s local people How can these become Expansion of international an issue? Dressing like at home Villagers making a living from tourism food & culture Foreign languages Photographing the locals Coastal resorts Picture sources:
- Good practice in developing effective tourism codes of conduct Sustainability. Do the criteria consider the environment, economy and people? Equity. Do the criteria reflect the interests of everyone? Efficiency & effectiveness. Are the criteria practical and follow best practice in sustainable management? Relevance. Do the criteria directly connect to the destination’s own sustainability goals?
- Responsibilities of businesses and host communities in local tourism destinations AS THE HOST COMMUNITY WE AGREE TO: AS A TOURISM ORGANISATION WE AGREE TO: • Provide quality tourist products and • Employ local staff and local guides experiences • Patronise small locally owned businesses • Provide a safe and secure environment for tourists to • Discourage our customers offering money to beggars visit • Discourage our customers from littering • Be welcoming and friendly to visitors • Discourage our customers from damaging the natural • Protect local cultures and traditions environment • Raise local awareness about the importance of • Discourage our customers from purchasing protected balancing conservation and economic development animals • what else? • Support local social and environmental projects • Respect local and provincial laws, rules and regulations affecting business operation • Interpret the environment and culture authentically and accurately • what else?
- Communicating codes of conduct to visitors BEFORE BOOKING DURING THE VISIT • Destination’s people, • Meet and greet culture and • Detailed information environment about destination’s • Website, social media, people, culture and brochures environment • Signs in prominent places • Tour guides reinforce key issues BETWEEN BOOKING & ARRIVAL • How to prepare • Pre-departure pack
- Why the tourism private sector has a responsibility to promote responsible tourism • The tourism private sector is central in the tourism system giving them power and influence over how tourism develops • Collectively tourism enterprises are highly connected to the nature and impacts of tourism on destinations • Links and partnerships with tourism authorities, other businesses and the local community are key areas where the private sector can influence sustainability Picture sources:
- The role and benefits of engaging with destination tourism authorities Enables participation in sustainability. Fosters destination Provides an development. opportunity to be Improves the quality involved in Opens doors. and range of tourism addressing broader Builds trust services and creates sustainability issues between with benefits for local other businesses residents and individuals in the destination
- 1. Private sector engagement with destination tourism authorities B. Participate in D. Engage in destination policy public-private & planning partnerships processes C. Participate in public sector surveys / research A. Participate in public sector organised conferences, meetings & fourms Picture sources:
- B. Participating in destination policy & planning processes • Tourism policies and plans strategically What is it? shape the development of tourism in a destination, including its sustainably • The private sector is often engaged to How can we provide advice and support through be involved? workshops and feedback on white papers • Being involved helps safeguard the needs What are the of industry and provides an opportunity sustainability to get involved in sustainability issues benefits? beyond the normal sphere of influence
- C. Participating in tourism industry surveys and research • Governments typically engage tourism research institutes to help it to answer policy and planning What is it? questions surrounding the strategic development of tourism • As a key actor in the tourism system, the private How can we sector is often engaged to participate in surveys, be involved? focus group sessions, interviews and other forms of research to inform decision making What are the • Being involved provides opportunities for the private sector to give feedback on specific issues sustainability that can directly influence the sustainable benefits? development of tourism
- 2. Working with like-minded organisations The tourism private sector can indirectly influence destination development and sustainability by: Work with business • Join an industry association or group and lobby internally Work with NGOs and externally for greater sustainability • Collaborate with NGOs engaging in sustainable tourism projects to foster positive change.
- Pro-Poor Tourism Project in Quan Ba, Ha Giang Province, Vietnam Location Quan Ba District, Ha Giang, Viet Nam Duration 48 months Funding Caritas Luxembourg, Caritas Switzerland and Misereor Objectives Overall Objective: reduce poverty of local communities through establishing an income- generating activity by -and for the villagers based on available and unique cultural and natural resources, its sustainable management and fostering their cultural identity. Specific Objectives: • By 2013, each commune has 2-3 villages that generate income from pro-poor tourism (homestay, services, local products, fees, and others); • On average each village receives minimum 150-200 tourists a year (maximum 720 tourists a year) for 1 night by 2013; • At least 40 households (5 per village) have regular employment and income from PPT activities and 10% belong to the poorest category; • Villages and tourist companies (8-10 in total) work together based on a MoU of PPT (2010).
- UNIT 7. SUPPORTING TOURISM DESTINATION TOPIC 4. HELPING FINANCE SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DESTINATIONS Picture source: moi-truong/op=detail&maa=Khoi-dong-Doi-tac-toan-cau-chong-bien-doi-khi- hau?PHPSESSID=ab4de0d8b79e146c57a8841865d47478
- How the private sector can help finance sustainable tourism destinations 5. Encourage donations 4. Promote & gain customer support 1.Send business to 3. Partner, sponsor heritage sites & fundraise 2. Help with business plans & funding proposals Picture sources:
- Sustainability considerations when selecting a cultural or natural heritage destination Sustainable heritage site checklist Management capacity of site managers Level of existing impacts of visitors Ability to contract locally-owned service providers Designation of formal protection status Prevailing environment and social issues Adequate infrastructure to support tourism and plans of improvement Implementation of protection and conservation plans Social awareness of cultural and natural heritage amongst local community
- Hundreds of NGOs operate in Vietnam for you – so use them! A Bright Future Group CHF Partners in Rural Eau Agriculture et H Italian Centre for Aid Mennonite Central S V ActionAid for People with Development Sante en Milieu to Children/Centro Committee Adventist Disabilities ChildFund in Vietnam Tropical / Water Habitat for Humanity Italiano Aiuti Mines Advisory Group Samaritan's Purse Viet Blind Children Development and Bread for the World Children's Hope In Agriculture and Health International in all'Infanzia International Relief Foundation Relief Agency Vietnam Bremen Overseas Action CHIA in Tropical Area Vietnam N, O Saigon Children's Vietnam Assistance for Agricultural Research and Children of Peace Enfants & Handicap J, K, L Charity the Handicapped Development Development International Developpement International Nordic Assistance to Save the children Vietnam Children's Denmark Asia Association Children of Vietnam English Language Handicap Japan International Vietnam Save the Children Fund Agronomes et Bridge Asia Japan Christina Noble Institute International Belgium Volunteer Center Norwegian Mission Australia, United Vietnam Plus and Vétérinaires sans Children's Foundation Hands of Hope Japanese Association Alliance Kingdom, Japan, Mekong Plus frontières C Church World Service F Hans Messer of Supporting Norwegian Red Cross Sweden, USA Vietnam Veterans Aid to Southeast Asia Churches of Christ Foundation Streetchildren Operation Smile Save the Children Memorial Fund Aida Association CAMA Services of Overseas Aid Family Health HealthRight Just a Drop ORBIS International Fund Vietnam Veterans of Alcoholics Anonymous Christian and Clear Path International International Komitee Twee of the Oxfam Great Britain Singapore America Foundation Allianz-Mission Missionary Alliance International NGO Fontana Heifer International Netherlands Oxfam Hong Kong International Voluntary Service American Red Cross Canadian Alliance for Compassion Ford Foundation (HPI) Konrad Adenauer Oxfam Quebec Foundation Overseas ANESVAD Foundation Development International (Taiwan) Foundation for Helen Keller Foundation Oxfam Solidarity Sisters of Adoration, Volunteer Service (Acción Sanitaria y Initiatives and Projects Codespa Foundation International International KOTO Belgium Slaves of the Blessed Abroad New Zealand Desarollo Social) (CADIP) Cooperazione e Development/Relief Helvetas Landmine Survivors Sacrament and of VIA (Volunteers In The Asia Foundation Canadian Centre for Sviluppo The Fred Hollows Holt International Network P Charity Asia) Asia Injury Prevention International Studies Council on Foundation Children's Services Lifestart Foundation Social Assistance Vietnam Assistance for Foundation and Cooperation / International Friedrich Ebert Hope for Tomorrow Lutheran Church - Palliative Care Program For Vietnam the Handicapped Assemblies of God Centre Canadien Educational Exchange Stiftung Hue help Missouri Synod World Volunteers (SAP-VN) (VNAH) Association L'APPEL - d'Etude et de Counterpart Fund for Mission International SOS Children's Villages Vietnam Friendship help for children Cooperation International Reconciliation and I Lepra Stichting, PATH Canada Vietnam Village Project victims of conflicts Internationale Development (FRD) Netherlands Leprosy PATH USA VNhelp Atlantic CARE International in D Friends of Hue International Children Relief Pathfinder T, U 4T - Vietnam Youth Philanthropies Vietnam Foundation Assistance Network Living Values International Education Support Australian Foundation Catholic Relief Services Danish Red Cross Friends of Vietnam (ICAN) Education Program Pearl S. Buck Terre des hommes Center for the Peoples of Asia Vietnam Dansk Vietnamesisk Heritage Institute of International, Inc. Foundation - Lausanne Vietnam Health and the Pacific Cardiac Risk in the Forening / Danish Friends of Vinh Son International M People Resources and The Alliance for Safe Improvement Project Australian People for Young Vietnamese Montagnard Education Conservation Children (TASC) Health, Education and Care2Share Association Orphanage (VSO) International Malteser International Foundation The Global Fund to W, X, Y, Z Development Abroad Caritas International Daughters of Charity Friendship Bridge Development Marie Stopes Plan International Fight AIDS, Australian Volunteers Switzerland of Saint Vincent de Enterprises International Vietnam Population Council Tuberculosis and World Concern International Christian Blind Mission Paul G International Maryknoll Population Services Malaria Vietnam Asia Urbs Program, International / Development Marinelife Alliance Medecins du Monde International The Library Project World Medical Relief funded by European Christoffel Workshop Gentle Fund (IMA) France Project Vietnam The World World Population Commission Blindenmission Dillon International Organization International Planned Medecins du Monde Conservation Union Foundation Christian Children's Donation Pixel Global Village Parenthood Canada Q, R TRAFFIC International World Vision B Fund Foundation (GVF) Federation, East and in Indochina International Christian Freedom E Global Civic Sharing South East Asia & Quaker Service Tropenbos World Wide Fund for Blessed Damien International Groupe de Recherches Oceania Region American Friends International – Nature Society East Meets West et d'Echanges International Service Committee Vietnam Young Lives Vietnam Blue Dragon Children's Foundation Technologiques Trachoma Initiative Red Cross of Viet Nam UNICEF Youth with a Mission - Foundation United Nations Mercy, Relief and Volunteers Development Asia
- 3. Partnering, sponsoring or fundraising to support environmental and social causes • Directly support sustainability activities in destinations by: – Helping finance NGO or community development activities – Donate unneeded equipment to needy organisations – Sponsor internships – Provide prizes of company goods or services at fundraising events – Give staff time off to participate in volunteering activities Picture sources:
- Example of effective promotion of sustainability activities: Joma Café, Hanoi Large wall poster on display behind the front desk for all staff and customers to see
- 5. Encouraging customers to donate to sustainability activities • Encouraging donations means providing ways for customers to directly provide finance for sustainability activities • Three key requirements: 1. Make it easy for customers to learn about a particular sustainability issue, activity, or organisation (who, what, why, how) 2. Be able to respond to questions 3. Provide clear ways for people to make contributions • How? – Provide a donations “drop box” – Add a certain amount to the holiday price – Add a fee or donation to a guests’ bill – Send a % of profits to a charity Picture sources:
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