Organic chemistry - Chapter 12: Carboxylic acids - Nam Phan

ames: hydrocarbon + “oic acid” 
From aldehydes
Aldehydes are generally easier to oxidize than
primary alcohols 
pdf 30 trang xuanthi 02/01/2023 980
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Nội dung text: Organic chemistry - Chapter 12: Carboxylic acids - Nam Phan

  1. Chapter 12: CARBOXYLIC ACIDS C=O C=C SP2 carbon Y=OH 2
  2. Some natural occurring acids & derivatives 6
  3. From nitriles Have 1 more carbon as compared to the halide 8
  4. From aldehydes Aldehydes are generally easier to oxidize than primary alcohols 10
  5. REACTIONS OF CARBOXYLIC Esterification ACIDS reactions 12
  6. Intramolecular ester formation: Lactones 14
  7. Reactions of esters Ester hydrolysis 16
  8. Acyl chloride formation 18
  9. Reactions of acyl chlorides 20
  10. Amide formation 22
  11. Reactions of amides 24
  12. The Hell-Vohard-Zelinski reaction Only for α-hydrogens Radical substitution (halogenation) will occurs in the absence of PBr3, P 26
  13. LiAlH4 is used to reduce only compounds such as acids, esters, amides that can NOT be reduced by milder agents 30