Organic chemistry - Chapter 5: Alkene - Nam Phan

The IUPAC name of an alkene is obtained by replacing
the “ane” ending of the corresponding alkane w 
Ethylene is an acceptable synonym for ethene in the IUPAC
• Propylene, isobutylene and other common names ending in
“ylene” are NOT acceptable IUPAC name 
pdf 42 trang xuanthi 02/01/2023 860
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Nội dung text: Organic chemistry - Chapter 5: Alkene - Nam Phan

  1. Chapter 5: ALKENES An sp2 hybridized carbon 2
  2. Determine the parent hydrocarbon – the longest continuous carbon chain containing the C=C 4
  3. PREPARATION OF ALKENES Dehydrations of alcohols Acid isomerization 6
  4. Eliminations of alkyl halides Base 8
  5. REACTIONS OF ALKENES Additions of hydrogen halides (AE) More stable Markovnikov’s rule 10
  6. 12 More stable
  7. Already has 1 asymmetric carbon 14
  8. Additions of hydrogen bromide (AR ) Electrophilic addition (AE) Radical addition (AR ) – only for HBr 16
  9. Additions of halogens 18
  10. Stereochemistry 20
  11. Stereochemistry 2 asymmetric carbons are created Trans-2-butene Æ meso compound 22
  12. Reaction mechanism: Carbocation rearrangement might occur 24
  13. Additions of borane: hydroboration-oxidation 26
  14. Additions of hydrogen – hydrogenation 28
  15. Stereochemistry 30
  16. Alkene epoxidations – Anti hydroxylations 32
  17. Reactions of epoxides 34
  18. Stereochemistry Anti additions 36
  19. Reaction mechanism: Syn additions 38
  20. Ozonolysis of alkenes 40
  21. Polymerizations 42